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 Streamline Architecture and PMO Services & Create an Agile-IT 

Integrate traditional hierarchical management systems and staff networks and improve the effectiveness of current architecture and PMO practice with WhiteSparrowSN

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AI Assisted Agile-IT Workflows

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Engage Staff

Social media techniques to engage staff and empower them to share their Lived Experiences with current processes and systems.

Identify Opportunities

Consider business strategies and input from staff to identify potential opportunities.

Staff Engagement Threads

Staff engagement is a continuous effort. AI Assist helps deign and share engagement threads with targeted stakeholders.

Potential Improvement

This is where AI Assist thrives. Helps analysts to map Lived Exp with processes and system to specific improvements. This resolves Business Requirements Conundrum in real-time.

Create a Roadmap and Business case

AI helps business solution architects gather, synthesize, and create comprehensive solution roadmaps and business cases.

Create Agile Release Trains & Assess Impact

AI helps stakeholders document the impact of change on process and net new value.

Enterprise Roles & Agile-IT

IT Business Partners

Help your business partners build a pipeline of opportunities for all Level 1 Processes.

Product Owners

By focusing on the Lived Experiences of staff, the systems assist product owners in building product roadmaps.

Business Solution Architects

The system helps overcome the Business Requirements conundrum and enables the development of architecture roadmaps in real-time.

Business SMEs

It helps business SMEs share their lived experiences with current systems and processes and guide improvement opportunities.

Project Managers

Manage projects that have explicitly defined scope and roadmap.

Executive Leadership

Assess if change teams and planned investments are creating the conditions for an Organization Ready for Future.

Opportunities Pipeline 

Quick Wins & Technology Changes

This pipeline focuses on improvements to Level 1 processes and systems reslting from  quick wins and changes to technology stacks.

CSR and Communities

Lived Experiences of staff often identify opportunities that go beyond the current Value Chain of the Organization, the goal of this pipeline make the Organization’s CSR strategy real.


This pipeline focuses on transformational changes to current Level 1 processes and the organization’s engagement with the communities in which they do business.

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The Organization of the Future: A New Model for a Faster-Moving World  John P. Kotter

". . . . In a truly reliable, efficient, agile, and fast enterprise, the network meshes with the more traditional structure; it is not some sort of “super task force” that reports to some level in the hierarchy. It is seamlessly connected to and coordinated with the hierarchy in a number of ways, chiefly through the people who populate both systems . . ."


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End-to-End Process
Performance Measures
Solution Hypothesis
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Architecture & PMO 
AI-Assisted Workflows
WhiteSparrow SN
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Business Solution Architecture
Fundamentals of Systems Architecture 
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